VEGA LED Polymerization Device is designed to be used in the
polymerization of dental materials that polymerize with light in the
wavelength range of 385 nm - 515 nm.The Vega has seven operating modes to suit different require
ments, including Standard Mode, Soft Start Mode, Active Soft Start
Përshtatje perfekte me trashësine e saj 0.040mm.Dy lartësi te ndryshme për dhembet molar dhe pre-molar.Opsioni i ngjyrës blu dhe gjelbër.Mund te perdoret me rubberdam.50 copë (0.040) 5 mm ose 6.3 mmEasy Matrix Intro Kit Përmban:5x Blue 5.0 Premolar5x Green 6.3 Molar1x Easy Matrix Retain..
Set i sterilizuar për nje perdorim pēr trajtimin tuaj kirurgjik.Përmban:Mbulese pěr tavolinen dentare 75x75- 1copë.Apron për pacientin 75x85 -1 copë.Mbulesě pěr pajisje tě dorěs -2 copē.Mbulese pěr dorezen e reflektorit 10x15-2 copě.Qese mjekësore per nje perdorim-1 copë.Sfungjer 5x5-5 copë.Kapëse -..
Ështe dizajnuar per te hequr lehtesisht kurorat dhe restaurimet e urave.Pajisje dore me dizajn ergonomik e cila mund të rregullohet me intensitet te goditjes deri ne shtate shkallë, nga minimumi në maksimum.Prandaj, rekomandohet nga stomatologët për heqje te lehtë te kurorave dhe urave me ..
Transparent Matrix, produced with transparent polyester
material, has been designed to shape the composite
fillings easily.
Flexible designed matrix band for ideal contact points
ensures light transmission and easy polymerisation of
composite due to its transparency.
The band with 10mm w..
Turquoise 65 “Designed with safety in mind”Compact size and lightweight can make you operate it by one hand only Intuitive user interface Smart angulation system Built-in leaded double shield to protect the operator from leakage radiation Locking system to prevent unintentio..
Ergonomic designThe Sirius fully adopts the ergonomic design, and it is an
excellent scanner in terms of operation convenience and hand feel. Intelligent remote controlThe scanning mode can be selected by the button a on the handpiece. Small tipEasy access to the posterior region for pati..